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Bridge Table to other sports api

Rapid account: Leavethekidago
4 месяца назад

I am subscribed already to Flashlive api. I may want to subscribe to your OS Platform as well to get more of the individual stats data it offers.

Do you have a bridge table for the IDs for Sports, Team, Players, and Bookmakers to make this process easier if I were to buy both?

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 4 месяца назад

You need to do it yourself. This is easy based on name matching (inaccurate name comparison).

  • Additional question: For both Flashlive and OS platform, are the league, team, player, and bookmaker IDs static?*
Rapid account: Leavethekidago
leavethekidago Commented 4 месяца назад

Is this something you are willing provide for additional compensation?

Additional question: For both Flashlive and OS platform, are the league, team, player, and bookmaker IDs static?

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 4 месяца назад

Hello, eavethekidago!
Unfortunately no.

Regards. Tipsters.

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