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Hotel price along with currency not present in data

Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
2 anni fa
When I am looking for hotels in the API, the sport options are present that allow the results to be sorted by price, but the data doesn't seem to have price mentioned in it. Am I missing something? Shouldn't the hotel show the price and currency for the given data range (and other parameters)?
Rapid account: Mtmio
mtmio Commented 2 anni fa

Yes, this is really weird. No prices are returned though checkin/checkout is set?

Rapid account: Sandhyaneer 1
sandhyaneer1 Commented 2 anni fa

Hi, I cannot see any API in the “Endpoints” tab for hotels which returns the price of a hotel booking for a given date range. Normally I would expect an array of prices for a range of rooms (with corresponding amenities) with additional customization options (like somebody may need to pay “this” much extra for an additional bed in a 2-bed room instead of choosing an additional 1-bed room, etc.), currently I don’t see any API which even mentions pricing in the results.

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 2 anni fa

You can send your parameters of you request to
I will check it out.

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