Shazam Core

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Can't Get Song Detection to Work

Rapid account: The Duke 777
hace 2 años
I'm using the Curl example to attempt song detection. At first, it was telling me that only .mp3, .ogg, and .wav are accepted and I needed to change the content type to application/octet-stream. 

Once I did that, I got a message saying the following:
	[{ "loc": ["body","file"],
	   "msg":"field required",

I'm pretty much following the example verbatim, so any help here would be appreciated.
Rapid account: Imankit 2705
imankit2705 Commented hace 8 meses

can anybody tell me how to fetch lyrics or which endpoint is used for lyrics in shazam API
I am unable to find which endpoint has the response data which includes lyrics
if anyone has already used it, then do let me know

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