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Tennis api

Rapid account: Mhm 88
3 anni fa


What I try to find is an api that lets me query for data regarding each match. I tried multiple of endpoints here and I seem to be unable to find specific data for the event (ex. Halep vs Rybakina), 1st serve percentage, double faults etc. Is there any way to get statistics of the match(I guess events in this api) or some other way to keep track of improvement/decrease in form.

I found an endpoint tennis point by event and it returns empty results for every query I did. is it possible to get all the data available on your site ?

And last question I see only few of the last matches per player(on your site) is it possible get some historic data?

Best regards

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 3 anni fa

USe /v1/teams/11531/metrika
The basic concept is that tennis is teams, not players.

I found an endpoint tennis point by event and it returns empty results for every query I did. is it possible to get all the data available on your site ?
And last question I see only few of the last matches per player(on your site) is it possible get some historic data?

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Best regards

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