
Durch ugoBoy | Aktualisiert hace 6 horas | Social

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Endpoint: https://fb-video-reels.p.rapidapi.com/smvd/get/all

Method: GET


  • url: The URL of the social media video to download (required)
  • filename: The desired filename for the downloaded video (optional)


  • X-RapidAPI-Key: Your RapidAPI key (required)
  • X-RapidAPI-Host: The host of the API (required)


  • If successful:

    • success: true indicates that the API was able to process the link successfully.
    • message: The error message. null indicates that there was no error message.
    • src_url: The media url provided.
    • og_url: The original Facebook url.
    • title: The title of the media post.
    • author: Information about the video’s author, including their ID and avatar.
    • stats: Various statistics about the video, such as the number of likes, shares, comments, plays, and collect counts, as well as the video’s duration.
    • links: An array of links to the video in different qualities (e.g., 360p, 540p).
    • picture: A link to the thumbnail image of the media post.
    • images: An array of links to the images in the Instagram post.
    • timeTaken: The time taken to process the request (in this case, 2860 milliseconds).
    • r_id: A unique request ID.
  • If not successful:

    • success: false
    • message: An error message indicating the reason for failure
    • r_id: A unique request ID

Example Request:

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://fb-video-reels.p.rapidapi.com/smvd/get/all',
  params: {
    url: 'https://www.facebook.com/reel/975590503451951', // social media video link
    filename: 'Test video'
  headers: {
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': '<your API key>',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'fb-video-reels.p.rapidapi.com'

Example Response (Successful):

  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "src_url": "https://www.facebook.com/reel/975590503451951",
  "og_url": "https://www.facebook.com/100003769006207/videos/always-thank-god-for-life/975590503451951/", // Facebook links only
  "title": "Always thank God for life. Joseph Increase Johnson · Original audio",
  "picture": "(link unavailable)",
  "links": [
      "quality": "sd",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "hd",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "render_360p",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "render_540p",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "render_720p",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "render_1080p",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
      "quality": "audio",
      "link": "(link unavailable)"
  "timeTaken": "2860ms",
  "r_id": "XCdxoQsoNkKEucPeZBAsWhdgP"

Example Response (Failed):

  "success": false,
  "message": "url is not a 'Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube' link, url=https://example.com",
  "r_id": "0.23240900881158155"


  • The API only supports downloading videos from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. (Maybe more in the future)
  • The filename parameter is optional, and if not provided, the API will generate a random filename.
  • The links array in the response contains objects with different video qualities, and each object has a quality and link property.
  • The links array may contain links with “render” in their quality, which may take longer to return a response (typically 5-10 seconds) if you want to download it, due to server-side processing. This delay is usually only experienced on the first request, as the API may cache the rendered video for subsequent requests. To know when the video is ready, make HEAD requests to the link, and wait until it returns a response. The links are valid for 6 hours.
  • The links array, which typically contains video links, may be missing in an Instagram response. This is because Instagram posts may not always contain videos, and in this case, the post only contains images. The images array provides links to the images in the post.
  • The timeTaken property in the response indicates the time taken to process the request.
  • The r_id property in the response is a unique request ID.
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Rapid account: Ugo Boy
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