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Advanced search don't work

Rapid account: Cineflixer
8 years ago


I am trying to get the list of Netflix titles with advanced search method, but every time returns 0 titles.

Can you help me, please?.

Thank you.


Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 8 years ago

Happy to help, let us know if you have any other issues

Rapid account: Cineflixer
cineflixer Commented 8 years ago

Hi, thank you for your help.

Now, the method Works excellent.

And as i said you, i got a monthly pay subscription.

Your Api is the best.


Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 8 years ago

This is now fixed, there were some restraints which were keeping the entire database from being dumped. This is now resolved, remember that the api will only output 100 results at a time so you need to update the page ‘p=x’ to get the next set of results.

Rapid account: Cineflixer
cineflixer Commented 8 years ago

Hi, thanks for your quick response.

I am trying again, and i get 0 titles, the url i am invoking is the following:!1900,2016-!0,5-!0,10-!0-!Any-!Any-!Any&t=ns&cl=all&t=ns&st=bs&ob=Relevance&p=1

But the result is :

Array ( [COUNT] => 0 [ITEMS] => Array ( ) )

The code of my php file is the following:

// Create a stream
$opts = array(
‘header’=>“X-Mashape-Key: [key providede from mashape]”

context=streamcontextcreate(context = stream_context_create(opts);

// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$res = file_get_contents(‘!1900,2016-!0,5-!0,10-!0-!Any-!Any-!Any&t=ns&cl=all&t=ns&st=bs&ob=Relevance&p=1’, false, context);printr(jsondecode(context); print_r(json_decode(res, true));

All of anogher methods works fine, but i can’t do that this method work, help me please, cause when this method work for me, i will get a monthly pay subscription .

Thank you.


Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 8 years ago

I just checked and this is working as expected. <br>
Remember if you don’t fill in a value for ‘query’ the API will default to a placeholder which will then get sent to the server as a query string. The default looks like this:<br>
You need to change this to <br>
If you want to search without a query string.<br>
If you are having some other issue please copy and paste the full url of your search.<br>

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