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Title info times out

Rapid account: Ma Ft
6 years ago

Between 8pm and 10pm every night this week the Title Info end point times out. Through the day is fine, just seems to be this time at night.

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 6 years ago

closing as I have figured out and solved the problem for now

Rapid account: Ma Ft
MaFt Commented 6 years ago

Bummer 😕

I’s not a huge issue as I do a few checks throughout the day but hope you get it sorted.

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 6 years ago

f*cking scrapers 😦

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 6 years ago

looks like some kind of memory leak… i just had to reboot the sql server to get it to clear… I’ll let you know what I figure out

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