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API returns a null string for "Test EndPoint" button in the demo page

Rapid account: Srikrishna Saal
6 anni fa

I just signed up for the Answering service and not even the button in the demo page gives an answer. I got response.body = { “a”:"" }
Please let me know what I should do now. I need a resolution immediately.

Further more, I signed up for 20 free requests and already spent 8 calls in vain. Please help me out.


Rapid account: Webknox
webknox Commented 6 anni fa

Looking at that I’m afraid that this is nothing that can be easily fixed right now. Please do not use this API/endpoint if that is required. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Rapid account: Webknox
webknox Commented 6 anni fa

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will look into the issue asap.

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