Tiktok video no watermark

Durch yi005 | Aktualisiert 1ヶ月前 | Social

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Search video list by keywords and region but response wrong data

I search video list by keyword “beauty”, cursor 30, limit 30 and region SG, but response data not have post with region SG? Please fix this issue.

Rapid account: Yi 005
yi005 Commented 8ヶ月前

Hi, this data is provided by Tiktok.

You can try to use the filter parameter publish_time=1

Rapid account: Tainguyen Y Zb 2 NDV 1 Y
tainguyen-YZb2NDV1y Commented 8ヶ月前

@yi005 i try but still response wrong data:

Rapid account: Yi 005
yi005 Commented 8ヶ月前

Hi, I tried your parameters and everything works fine

Can you try again?

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