ChatGPT Ai Chat bot

Durch NextBase | Aktualisiert 2달 전 | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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Why does the second question (with conversation id) so slow?

The first question to the api is fast, but the second question with conversation id seems very slow (takes more than 30 seconds to generate). Can you make it faster.

Rapid account: Yourdevmail
yourdevmail Commented 일 년 전

we are glad to inform you that we have fixed the issue that was causing slow response times for the second question with conversation ID. We have made several optimizations to improve the performance and speed of our API, which should now provide faster and more reliable responses to all of your queries.

We apologize for any inconvenience that the slow response time may have caused you, and we appreciate your patience while we worked to resolve the issue. Please feel free to continue using our API and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you for using our service!

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