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Help with accessing file

Rapid account: Planetnocode

I’m trying to use the file location generated by this API with OpenAI Whisper API but I think because of how the mp3 file is protected supplying the file location to the OpenAI API isn’t working. This may because of how the URL contains keys to allow the file to be accessed. Is there a way to access the file without supplying the authentication in the URL it’s, such as HTTP request from a server? Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Ytjar
ytjar Commented 1年前

Secure link is a feature, not an issue. For custom bypass, kindly share your requirements via private message.

Rapid account: Batuhanbilginn
batuhanbilginn Commented 1年前

Did you fix this issue?

Rapid account: Ytjar
ytjar Commented 1年前

Yes it is happening because of secure link. Please share your requirements via Private message so that we may provide it.

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