YTStream - Download YouTube Videos

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Rapid account: Pedrosantos 0301
hace un mes

Could you provide a tutorial on how to use it?

I am a subscriber to your mp3 download version and I tried to implement it in the same way: with a frontend.html file and a backend.php file.

But when I try it I get “Download Error!”

Rapid account: Ytjar
ytjar Commented hace 23 días

Please join Telegram for qquick chat.

Rapid account: Pedrosantos 0301
pedrosantos0301 Commented hace 23 días

How does the calculation of quotas work in the paid version?

Rapid account: Pedrosantos 0301
pedrosantos0301 Commented hace 23 días

I already discovered the error.
I was using my API key, but I needed to subscribe to the API.

Rapid account: Ytjar
ytjar Commented hace 23 días

It is working at my end. Have you updated the API key in the code. You may share the url via

Rapid account: Pedrosantos 0301
pedrosantos0301 Commented hace 23 días


I tried the demo and it doesn’t seem to be working:
Warning: Undefined array key “title”

Before you ask, I put a valid YouTube ID in the querystring.

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