
Durch Igor Zakutynsky | Aktualisiert 14 days ago | Storage
Health Check



DigitalOcean Package

The DigitalOcean API allows you to manage Droplets and resources within the DigitalOcean cloud in a simple, programmatic way using conventional HTTP requests. The endpoints are intuitive and powerful, allowing you to easily make calls to retrieve information or to execute actions.

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign in
  2. Navigate to Apps & API.
  3. Click: Generate New Token


To list all of the actions that have been executed on the current account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


The result will be a JSON object with an action key.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
actionId String Action id


To list all of the Block Storage volumes available on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
region String May be provided as query paramater in order to restrict results to volumes available in a specific region.


Create new volume

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
sizeGigabytes String The size of the Block Storage volume in GiB (1024^3).
name String A human-readable name for the Block Storage volume. Must be lowercase and be composed only of numbers, letters and -, up to a limit of 64 characters.
description String An optional free-form text field to describe a Block Storage volume.
description String An optional free-form text field to describe a Block Storage volume.
region String The region where the Block Storage volume will be created. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Block Storage volume, the entire region object will be returned. Should not be specified with a snapshot_id.
snapshotId String The unique identifier for the volume snapshot from which to create the volume. Should not be specified with a region_id.


Show information about a Block Storage volume

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.


Retrieve information about a Block Storage volume by name.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for the Block Storage volume. Must be lowercase and be composed only of numbers, letters and -, up to a limit of 64 characters.
region String May be provided as query paramater in order to restrict results to volumes available in a specific region.


Retrieve the snapshots that have been created from a volume

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Create a snapshot from a volume

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
name String A human-readable name for the volume snapshot.


Delete single volume

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.


Delete single volume by name

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for the Block Storage volume.


Attach a Block Storage volume to a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
type String This must be ‘attach’
dropletId Number The unique identifier for the Droplet the volume will be attached or detached from.
region Number The slug identifier for the region the volume is located in.


Attach a Block Storage volume to a Droplet using its name.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeName String The name of the Block Storage volume.
type String This must be ‘attach’
dropletId Number The unique identifier for the Droplet the volume will be attached or detached from.
region Number The slug identifier for the region the volume is located in.


Detach a Block Storage volume from a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
type String This must be detach
dropletId Number The unique identifier for the Droplet the volume will be attached or detached from.
region Number The slug identifier for the region the volume is located in.


Detach a Block Storage volume from a Droplet using its name

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeName String The name of the Block Storage volume.
type String This must be ‘detach’
dropletId Number The unique identifier for the Droplet the volume will be attached or detached from.
region Number The slug identifier for the region the volume is located in.


Resize a Block Storage volume.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
type String This must be resize
sizeGigabytes Number The new size of the Block Storage volume in GiB (1024^3).
region String The slug identifier for the region the volume is located in.


Retrieve all actions that have been executed on a volume.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve the status of a volume action

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
volumeId String The unique identifier for the Block Storage volume.
actionId String A unique numeric ID that can be used to identify and reference an action.


Upload a new SSL certificate

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A unique human-readable name referring to a certificate.
privateKey String A unique human-readable name referring to a certificate.
leafCertificate String The contents of a PEM-formatted public SSL certificate.
certificateChain String The full PEM-formatted trust chain between the certificate authority’s certificate and your domain’s SSL certificate.


Show information about an existing certificate.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
certificateId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a certificate.


List all of the certificates available on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


Delete a specific certificate.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
certificateId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a certificate.


Retrieve a list of all of the domains in your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


Create a new domain.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String The domain name to add to the DigitalOcean DNS management interface. The name must be unique in DigitalOcean’s DNS system. The request will fail if the name has already been taken.
ipAddress String This attribute contains the IP address you want the domain to point to.


Get details about a specific domain.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.


Delete a domain.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.


Get a listing of all records configured for a domain.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.


Create an existing record.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
type Select The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
name String The host name, alias, or service being defined by the record.
data String Variable data depending on record type. See the Domain Records section for more detail on each record type.
priority String The priority of the host (for SRV and MX records. null otherwise).
port String The port that the service is accessible on (for SRV records only. null otherwise).
ttl Number This value is the time to live for the record, in seconds. This defines the time frame that clients can cache queried information before a refresh should be requested. If not set, the default value is 1800.
weight Number The weight of records with the same priority (for SRV records only. null otherwise).


Retrieve a specific domain record.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
recordId String A unique identifier for each domain record.


Update an existing record.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
recordId String A unique identifier for each domain record.
type Select The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
name String The host name, alias, or service being defined by the record.
data String Variable data depending on record type. See the Domain Records section for more detail on each record type.
priority String The priority of the host (for SRV and MX records. null otherwise).
port String The port that the service is accessible on (for SRV records only. null otherwise).
ttl Number This value is the time to live for the record, in seconds. This defines the time frame that clients can cache queried information before a refresh should be requested. If not set, the default value is 1800.
weight Number The weight of records with the same priority (for SRV records only. null otherwise).


Retrieve a specific domain record.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
domain String The name of the domain itself. This should follow the standard domain format of domain.TLD. For instance, is a valid domain name.
recordId String A unique identifier for each domain record.


Create a new Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String The human-readable string you wish to use when displaying the Droplet name. The name, if set to a domain name managed in the DigitalOcean DNS management system, will configure a PTR record for the Droplet. The name set during creation will also determine the hostname for the Droplet in its internal configuration.
region String The unique slug identifier for the region that you wish to deploy in.
size String The unique slug identifier for the size that you wish to select for this Droplet.
image String The image ID of a public or private image, or the unique slug identifier for a public image. This image will be the base image for your Droplet.
sshKeys List An array containing the IDs or fingerprints of the SSH keys that you wish to embed in the Droplet’s root account upon creation.
backups Boolean A boolean indicating whether automated backups should be enabled for the Droplet. Automated backups can only be enabled when the Droplet is created.
ipv6 Boolean A boolean indicating whether IPv6 is enabled on the Droplet.
privateNetworking Boolean A boolean indicating whether private networking is enabled for the Droplet. Private networking is currently only available in certain regions.
userData String A string containing ‘user data’ which may be used to configure the Droplet on first boot, often a ‘cloud-config’ file or Bash script. It must be plain text and may not exceed 64 KiB in size.
monitoring Boolean A boolean indicating whether to install the DigitalOcean agent for monitoring.
volumes List A flat array including the unique string identifier for each Block Storage volume to be attached to the Droplet. At the moment a volume can only be attached to a single Droplet.
tags List A flat array of tag names as strings to apply to the Droplet after it is created. Tag names can either be existing or new tags.


Create a new Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
names List An array of human human-readable strings you wish to use when displaying the Droplet name. Each name, if set to a domain name managed in the DigitalOcean DNS management system, will configure a PTR record for the Droplet. Each name set during creation will also determine the hostname for the Droplet in its internal configuration.
region String The unique slug identifier for the region that you wish to deploy in.
size String The unique slug identifier for the size that you wish to select for this Droplet.
image String The image ID of a public or private image, or the unique slug identifier for a public image. This image will be the base image for your Droplet.
sshKeys List An array containing the IDs or fingerprints of the SSH keys that you wish to embed in the Droplet’s root account upon creation.
backups Boolean A boolean indicating whether automated backups should be enabled for the Droplet. Automated backups can only be enabled when the Droplet is created.
ipv6 Boolean A boolean indicating whether IPv6 is enabled on the Droplet.
privateNetworking Boolean A boolean indicating whether private networking is enabled for the Droplet. Private networking is currently only available in certain regions.
userData String A string containing ‘user data’ which may be used to configure the Droplet on first boot, often a ‘cloud-config’ file or Bash script. It must be plain text and may not exceed 64 KiB in size.
monitoring Boolean A boolean indicating whether to install the DigitalOcean agent for monitoring.
volumes List A flat array including the unique string identifier for each Block Storage volume to be attached to the Droplet. At the moment a volume can only be attached to a single Droplet.
tags List A flat array of tag names as strings to apply to the Droplet after it is created. Tag names can either be existing or new tags.


Show an individual droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


List all Droplets in your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


List Droplets by a tag.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
tagName Sting Page number
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve a list of all kernels available to a Dropet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Retrieve the snapshots that have been created from a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Retrieve any backups associated with a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Retrieve any actions associated with a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Delete a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Delete Droplets by a tag.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
tagName String Tag of deleted droplet


Retrieve a list of Droplets that are running on the same physical server.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Retrieve a list of Droplets that are running on the same physical server.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.


Enable backups on an existing Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be enable_backups


Disable backups on an existing Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be disable_backups


Reboot a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be reboot


Power off and then back on.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be power_cycle


Shutdown a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be shutdown


Power off a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be power_off


Restore a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be restore
image String An image slug or ID. This represents the image that the Droplet will use as a base.


Reset the password for a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be password_reset


Resize a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be resize
disk Boolean Whether to increase disk size.
size String The size slug that you want to resize to.


Rebuild a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be rebuild
image String An image slug or ID. This represents the image that the Droplet will use as a base.


Rename a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be rename
name String The new name for the Droplet.


Change the kernel of a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be change_kernel
kernel String A unique number used to identify and reference a specific kernel.


Enable IPv6 networking on an existing Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be enable_ipv6


Enable private networking on an existing Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be enable_private_networking


Snapshot a Droplet

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be snapshot
name String The name to give the new snapshot.


Some actions can be performed in bulk on tagged Droplets.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
type Select Must be snapshot
tagName String The tag name.


Retrieve a Droplet action.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String A unique identifier for each Droplet instance. This is automatically generated upon Droplet creation.
actionId String A unique identifier for each Droplet action event. This is used to reference a specific action that was requested.


List all of the Floating IPs.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


On creation, a Floating IP must be either assigned to a Droplet or reserved to a region.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
dropletId String The ID of Droplet that the Floating IP will be assigned to.


On creation, a Floating IP must be either assigned to a Droplet or reserved to a region.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
region String The slug identifier for the region the Floating IP will be reserved to.


Show information about a Floating IP.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:


Delete Floating IP.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:


Assign a Floating IP to a Droplet.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:
type Select Must be: assign
dropletId Number Droplet id


Unassign a Floating IP.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:
type Select Must be: unassign


Retrieve all actions that have been executed on a Floating IP.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:


Retrieve the status of a Floating IP action.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
floatingIp String Example:
actionId String A unique numeric ID that can be used to identify and reference an action.


Create a new Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for a Firewall.
inboundRules JSON An object specifying the inbound access rules for a Firewall (see example below).
outboundRules JSON An object specifying the outbound access rules for a Firewall (see table below).
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Firewall.
tags List An array containing the names of the Tags to be assigned to the Firewall…


Show information about an existing Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.


List all of the Cloud Firewalls available on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


Update the configuration of an existing Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
name String A human-readable name for a Firewall.
inboundRules JSON An object specifying the inbound access rules for a Firewall (see example below).
outboundRules JSON An object specifying the outbound access rules for a Firewall (see table below).
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Firewall.
tags List An array containing the names of the Tags to be assigned to the Firewall…


Delete a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.


Assign a Droplet to a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
droplets List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Firewall.


Assign a Droplet to a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
droplets List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Firewall.


Assign a Tag representing a group of Droplets to a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
tags List An array containing the names of the Tags to be assigned to the Firewall.


Remove a Tag representing a group of Droplets to a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
tags List An array containing the names of the Tags to be assigned to the Firewall.


Add additional access rules to a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
inboundRules Array Attribute containing an array of rules to be added…
outboundRules Array Attribute containing an array of rules to be added…


Remove access rules from a Cloud Firewall.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
firewallId String A unique ID that can be used to identify and reference a Firewall.
inboundRules Array Attribute containing an array of rules to be added…
outboundRules Array Attribute containing an array of rules to be added…


List all of the images available on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve only distribution images.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve only application images.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve only user images.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve all actions that have been executed on an image.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve information about an image (public or private).

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id


Retrieve information about a public image.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
slug String A uniquely identifying string that is associated with each of the DigitalOcean-provided public images. These can be used to reference a public image as an alternative to the numeric id.


Retrieve information about a public image.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id
name String The new name that you would like to use for the image.


Delete single image.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id


Transfer an image to another region.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id
type Select Must be transfer
region String The region slug that represents the region target.


Convert an image, for example, a backup to a snapshot.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id
type Select Must be convert


Retrieve the status of an image action.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
imageId String Image id
actionId String Action id


Create a new Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
algorithm String The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either round_robin or least_connections. The default value is round_robin.
region String The region where the Load Balancer instance will be located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
forwardingRules Array An array of objects specifying the forwarding rules for a Load Balancer. At least one forwarding rule is required when creating a new Load Balancer instance (see table below).
healthCheck Array An object specifying health check settings for the Load Balancer. If omitted, default values will be provided (see table below).
stickySessions Array An object specifying sticky sessions settings for the Load Balancer (see table below).
redirectHttpToHttps Boolean A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443. Default value is false.
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer.


Create a new Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
algorithm String The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either round_robin or least_connections. The default value is round_robin.
region String The region where the Load Balancer instance will be located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
forwardingRules Array An array of objects specifying the forwarding rules for a Load Balancer. At least one forwarding rule is required when creating a new Load Balancer instance (see table below).
healthCheck Array An object specifying health check settings for the Load Balancer. If omitted, default values will be provided (see table below).
stickySessions Array An object specifying sticky sessions settings for the Load Balancer (see table below).
redirectHttpToHttps Boolean A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443. Default value is false.
tag String The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer.


Create a new Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.


List all of the Load Balancer instances on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


Update a Load Balancer’s settings.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
name String A human-readable name for a Load Balancer instance.
algorithm String The load balancing algorithm used to determine which backend Droplet will be selected by a client. It must be either round_robin or least_connections. The default value is round_robin.
region String The region where the Load Balancer instance will be located. When setting a region, the value should be the slug identifier for the region. When you query a Load Balancer, an entire region object will be returned.
forwardingRules Array An array of objects specifying the forwarding rules for a Load Balancer. At least one forwarding rule is required when creating a new Load Balancer instance (see table below).
healthCheck Array An object specifying health check settings for the Load Balancer. If omitted, default values will be provided (see table below).
stickySessions Array An object specifying sticky sessions settings for the Load Balancer (see table below).
redirectHttpToHttps Boolean A boolean value indicating whether HTTP requests to the Load Balancer on port 80 will be redirected to HTTPS on port 443. Default value is false.
tag String The name of a Droplet tag corresponding to Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer.
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer.


Delete a Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.


Assign a Droplet to a Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer instance…


Remove a Droplet from a Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.
dropletIds List An array containing the IDs of the Droplets to be assigned to the Load Balancer instance…


Add an additional forwarding rule to a Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.
entryProtocol String The protocol used for traffic to the Load Balancer. The possible values are: http, https, or tcp.
entryPort Number An integer representing the port on which the Load Balancer instance will listen.
targetProtocol String The protocol used for traffic from the Load Balancer to the backend Droplets. The possible values are: http, https, or tcp.
targetPort Number An integer representing the port on the backend Droplets to which the Load Balancer will send traffic.
certificateId String The ID of the TLS certificate to be used for SSL termination.
tlsPassthrough Boolean A boolean value indicating whether SSL encrypted traffic will be passed through to the backend Droplets. The defaults value is false.


Remove forwarding rules from a Load Balancer instance.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
balancerId String Balancer ID.
entryProtocol String The protocol used for traffic to the Load Balancer. The possible values are: http, https, or tcp.
entryPort Number An integer representing the port on which the Load Balancer instance will listen.
targetProtocol String The protocol used for traffic from the Load Balancer to the backend Droplets. The possible values are: http, https, or tcp.
targetPort Number An integer representing the port on the backend Droplets to which the Load Balancer will send traffic.
certificateId String The ID of the TLS certificate to be used for SSL termination.
tlsPassthrough Boolean A boolean value indicating whether SSL encrypted traffic will be passed through to the backend Droplets. The defaults value is false.


List all of the regions that are available.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


List all of the sizes that are available.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


List all of the snapshots available on your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve only snapshots based on Droplets.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve only snapshots based on volumes.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
page Number Page number
perPage Number Number of items you would like per page


Retrieve information about a snapshot.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
snapshotId String The unique identifier for the snapshot.


Delete a snapshot.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token
snapshotId String The unique identifier for the snapshot.


List all of the keys in your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token


Add a new SSH public key to your DigitalOcean account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String The name to give the new SSH key in your account.
publicKey String A string containing the entire public key.


Add a new SSH public key to your DigitalOcean account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
id String This is a unique identification number for the key. This can be used to reference a specific SSH key when you wish to embed a key into a Droplet.


Update the name of an SSH key.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
id String This is a unique identification number for the key. This can be used to reference a specific SSH key when you wish to embed a key into a Droplet.
name String The name to give the new SSH key in your account.


Destroy a public SSH key that you have in your account.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
id String This is a unique identification number for the key. This can be used to reference a specific SSH key when you wish to embed a key into a Droplet.


Create new tag.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String Tags may contain letters, numbers, colons, dashes, and underscores. There is a limit of 255 characters per tag.
resources JSON An embedded object containing key value pairs of resource type and resource statistics.


Retrieve an individual tag.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String Tag name


List all of your tags.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.


Resources can be tagged.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String Tag name
resources Array An array of objects containing resource_id and resource_type attributes.


Resources can be untagged.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String Tag name
resources Array An array of objects containing resource_id and resource_type attributes.


A Tag can be deleted.

Field Type Description
accessToken credentials Your Digital Ocean access token.
name String Tag name
Follower: 5
Rapid account: Igor Zakutynsky
Igor Zakutynsky
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Bewertung: 5 - Stimmen: 1