
By Dolphin Noir | Updated לפני חודשיים | Gaming

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Chess Players API Documentation

Welcome to the Chess Players API documentation. This API provides endpoints to interact with a database of chess players, allowing users to retrieve player information based on various criteria.

Base URL: /players/


Get All Chess Players

URL: /findAll
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves all chess players from the database.
limit (optional): Limits the number of players returned. Default limit is 1072.
Response: Returns a JSON array of player objects.

Find Chess Player by Name

URL: /findbyname/:fullname
Method: GET
Description: Finds a chess player by their full name.
fullname: Full name of the player.
Response: Returns a JSON array of player objects matching the provided name.

Find Chess Players by Federation

URL: /findbyfederation/:federation
Method: GET
Description: Finds chess players belonging to a specific federation.
federation: Name of the federation.
limit (optional): Limits the number of players returned. Default limit is 1072.
Response: Returns a JSON array of player objects belonging to the specified federation.

Filter Chess Players

URL: /Filter
Method: GET
Description: Filters chess players based on specified criteria.
federation (optional): Filters players by federation.
ratingMin (optional): Filters players with a rating greater than or equal to this value.
ratingMax (optional): Filters players with a rating less than or equal to this value.
limit (optional): Limits the number of players returned. Default limit is 1072.
Response: Returns a JSON array of filtered player objects.

Get Chess Player by Ranking
URL: /GetPlayerByRanking
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves chess players based on their ranking.
ranking: Player’s ranking.
Response: Returns a JSON array of player objects matching the provided ranking.

Get Top 10 Ranked Chess Players

URL: /GetTop10Ranked
Method: GET
Description: Retrieves the top 10 ranked chess players.
Response: Returns a JSON array of the top 10 ranked player objects.


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and i would be happy to help out

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Dolphin Noir
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