Video Clip API

By Gevi AI | Updated לפני חודש | Video, Images

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Please Note: We only retain video files for 24 hours. You will need to download the video provided in the API response to your website or application to serve it for longer than 24 hours after recieving the response.

The Video Clip API will allow you to create a variety of different clip types or download the entire video for a specified Video URL. You will need to execute a post request with the following JSON body and defined parameters within that JSON body.

Video URL (video_url): The URL of the video you would like to download or create a clip out of.

Start (start): If you would like a clip and not the entire video, you need to specify a starting point for the clip with this parameter. This variable is in seconds, so if you would like the clip to start 45 seconds into the video, you would provide a value of “45”.

End (end): If you would like a clip and not the entire video, you need to specify a ending point with this parameter. This variable is in secods, so if you would like the clip to end 105 secods into the video, you would provide a value of “105”. In this example, the resulting clip would be 60 seconds long, starting 45 seconds into the video and ending 105 seconds into the video.

Video Duration (video_duration): If you would like the entire video, please use a value of “full_video” in this parameter. If you are specifying your own start and end point, leave this parameter blank.

Video Orientation (video_orientation): This parameter is used to specify “landsape” or “vertical” orientation of videos. For example, if you are creating videos for YouTube shorts or TikTok, you can specify “vertical” to have the original video cropped and resized to a 9:16 vertical format.

The following example request will create a 59 second, vertical (9:16) video, used for a YouTube shorts.

  "video_url": "",
  "start": "45",
  "end": "104",
  "video_duration": "",
  "video_orientation": "vertical"
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