YouTube Mp3 Downloader

Por Vijay Prajapati | Actualizada il y a 22 jours | Video, Images

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API Bugs

Rapid account: Digital Sai
il y a un an

YouTube MP3 Downloader is not working properly.
error:“No links found”

Rapid account: Zyrill 707
zyrill707 Commented il y a 5 mois

How long does api reset?

Rapid account: 420 Vijay 47
420vijay47 Commented il y a un an

It was happening because requests were taking more than 15s (the limit I set). Now, I have raised the limit to 60s. For 320Kbps audio, processing time is longer. You can try now.

Rapid account: Digital Sai
DigitalSai Commented il y a un an

Please check again with different YouTube videos. It does not work and return a blank response with 200 status.

Rapid account: 420 Vijay 47
420vijay47 Commented il y a un an

Hi, I have fixed the API & it’s 100% working. Moreover, I have added one more endpoint that downloads YT mp3 in best audio quality: 320Kbps, 128Kbps, 192Kbps, 256Kbps & 64Kbps.
Please let me know if it helps. Regards.

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