YouTube Media Downloader

Por DataFanatic | Actualizada 3 days ago | Data

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Video URL

Rapid account: Lokeshgpt 82
a month ago

May I know if there is any way we can get the video url and embed url for a specific video based on ID. I checked the response and could not find any. can you let me know how to get the video.

Also it would be helpful to have comment count and like count in Get Video Details endpoint

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented a month ago

Hello. Thank you for choosing us.

  1. For getting the video URLs and embed URLs:
    This can be done by constructing strings as shown below.

    Video URL:
    or `${videoId}`
    Embed URL:
    Embed Code:
    `<iframe width="${width}" height="${height}" src="${embedUrl}" title="${title}" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>`

    Thus, this feature can be easily implemented in your client codes; we won’t add it to the endpoint.

  2. For getting the comment count and like count in the “Get Video Details” endpoint:
    We’ve added likeCount and commentCountText to the response of the endpoint /video/details. We hope it helps.

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