Billboard API

Por Devo Cat | Actualizada il y a 2 mois | Music

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Chart of specific album

Rapid account: Antosiek 88
il y a 2 mois

Many years back there was an API that could give week by week chart of specific album. It is not available anymore. Maybe you can prepare something like it?
Rapid account: Antosiek 88
Antosiek88 Commented il y a 2 mois

Hi! Did you think about it?

Rapid account: Antosiek 88
Antosiek88 Commented il y a 2 mois

Some time ago there was an API -
You could first call for records IDs of a specific artist. All songs / records ever charted.
Then based on that ID you could get all places for every week when it was charted on specific chart.

It was like:
2020-44 1
2020-45 9

Out of it you could make a graph with the changes of position, get how many weeks it was on the list etc.

Rapid account: Devo Cat
DevoCat Commented il y a 2 mois

I can create an API to check specific album’s current rank by week.
If thats what you mean?

But you will have to be very specific with album naming and the week you want to check it

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