Meta Threads

Por Glavier | Actualizada hace 2 meses | Social

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Rapid account: Info Gt 5 S 8 D U
hace 6 meses

Hi, we’re interested in getting all comments/replies of a thread. Is there a way to paginate the replies or do you return all replies in one call?

Rapid account: Glavier
Glavier Commented hace 5 meses

This limit is set by Threads and currently seems to average 10 comments.

Rapid account: Info Gt 5 S 8 D U
info-gt_5s8D-U Commented hace 5 meses

Understand. How many comments do you currently return?

Rapid account: Glavier
Glavier Commented hace 5 meses

We don’t currently have such a feature, as getting all the answers requires a login to the app.
However, you can access some comments using the Thread Details endpoint.

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