Cheapest GPT-4 Turbo, GPT 4 Vision, ChatGPT OpenAI AI API

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Finish reason: length

Rapid account: Paywithcode
vor einem Monat

i am working with this paramethers:


    "max_tokens"=> 100,

but i getting answer that contains 370-400 chars and finish reason - length.

What should i change to get a bigger answer?

Rapid account: Next API
NextAPI Commented vor einem Monat

Hey there,

Glad you figured out the answer. Yes that is correct, the “max_tokens” object is similar to words, it limits how many words GPT-4 can reply with. If you increase it you can use it to generate longer answers.

If you do have any other questions feel free to message us!

Best regards,
The NextAPI Team

Rapid account: Paywithcode
paywithcode Commented vor einem Monat

max_tokens 500 is better. sorry for disturbing)

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