Jobs API

Por Patrick | Actualizada 3日前 | Jobs

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Inconsistent Job Listings Results

Rapid account: Andria Qxagb Jk I 9

I’m trying to fetch jobs by United States. When I specify it in the location property, I’m getting fewer results than expected. However, when I navigate to and use the exact same filters, there are a lot more results. Do I need to specify states as well? Or does it take some time for the responses to get updated?
Example query: query=Laravel&location=United States&allowedJobProviders=Indeed&index=0

Rapid account: Pat 92
Pat92 Commented 1ヶ月前

Yes you would have to make a call for each location.

Best regards

Rapid account: Andria Qxagb Jk I 9
andria-QxagbJkI9 Commented 1ヶ月前

Can I specify multiple locations? Otherwise I should make separate calls for each states right?

Rapid account: Pat 92
Pat92 Commented 1ヶ月前

Hi Andria

The API does not take the results directly from indeed and I’m currently still working on the allowedJobProviders, this filter is not perfect at the moment.

When using this filter it might be helpful to specify the location a bit more to get more results.

I hope this helps, and should I have some updates on the allowedJobProviders I will let you know.

Best regards

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