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The BBCast Books API provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /books: retrieves a list of all books in the cache database, including their metadata.
  • GET /books/🆔 retrieves the book with the specified ID, including its metadata and text content.
  • GET /authors/🆔 retrieves the authors of the book with the specified ID.
  • GET /subjects/🆔 retrieves the subjects of the book with the specified ID.
  • GET /search: searches for books that match a given query, based on their title, author, or subject.
  • GET /subjects: retrieves a list of all subjects in the cache database.
  • GET /bysubject: retrieves a list of books that belong to a specific subject.
  • GET /gettext/🆔 retrieves the plain text content of the book with the specified ID.
    All endpoints return JSON-encoded data, and accept optional query parameters to refine the search results. Please refer to the API documentation for detailed information about each endpoint, its parameters, and its response format.

Note that some endpoints may return a large amount of data, especially when requesting the text content of a book. To avoid overloading the API server and network, we recommend using appropriate filters and pagination when requesting data.

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