twitter v1.1 v2 api

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“full_text” field truncated?

Rapid account: Sourcefrom
3 месяца назад

Endpoint: UserTweets

Problem: the tweet “full_text” field is truncated.

Is it possible to return the “full” text instead?


Rapid account: Sourcefrom
sourcefrom Commented 3 месяца назад

Got it. The clarification helps!

Rapid account: Abcdsxg
abcdsxg Commented 3 месяца назад

It’s an official restriction. There’s nothing I can do about it.

Rapid account: Sourcefrom
sourcefrom Commented 3 месяца назад

But making an additional TweetDetail call would imply extra cost and latency just to view the remaining text. And the text itself isn’t long anyway.

Is the truncation done by design within your control, or returned as-is by the offical twiitter API? Would be nice to have the option of getting the full-text, perhaps via a parameter that can be defaulted to truncation?

Rapid account: Abcdsxg
abcdsxg Commented 3 месяца назад

Tweets in the list will be truncated if they are too long, if you need the full content, please use the TweetDetail api.

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