Recipe Generator: Create Custom Recipes from Your Ingredients

Por Andero Av | Actualizada il y a 2 mois | Food

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The Recipe Generator API is a powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of AI to provide customized recipes based on the ingredients you have at hand. It even accommodates specific dietary preferences such as keto, vegan, or gluten-free, among others.


POST /recipe

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object with the following keys:

ingredients (required): A string containing a list of the ingredients you have.

diet (optional): A string specifying your dietary preference (e.g., “KETO”, “VEGAN”, “GLUTEN_FREE”, etc.).

strict (optional): An integer (0-3) specifying how strictly the API should adhere to the provided ingredients list.

  • 0 - API will craft a recipe using the provided ingredients but may include additional ingredients if needed. (default behavior if strict is not specified)
  • 1 - API will only use the provided ingredients in the recipe.
  • 2 - API will strictly use the provided ingredients but may recommend additional ingredients for better results.
  • 3 - If the value is greater than 3, the API will return an error stating that the strict value has to be between 0 and 2.

The response will be a JSON object with a recipe key that contains the AI-generated recipe instructions.


const body = {
  ingredients: "chicken, broccoli, cheddar cheese",
  diet: "KETO",
  strict: 1

Error Handling

In case of an error (e.g., strict value out of range, server error), the API will return a JSON object with an error key containing a string description of the error.

Seguidores: 1
Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Andero Av
Andero Av
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Valoración: 5 - Votos: 2