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Markets, and Bookmaker questions

Rapid account: Huskerpackers
לפני 3 חודשים

Do you offer alternate markets for the main US sportsbooks, for american football, NBA, etc? (alt total, alt spread )

Also, are you aware of the line maker “buckeye lines” and do you have lines from them?

Rapid account: Philippschenk 2000
philippschenk2000 Commented לפני 3 חודשים

I dont know about buckeye lines and therefore do not offer anything from them.

The main US sportsbooks are of course included, if you call the bookmakers endpoint you see 10-15 different national bookies from the US.
Spread is not yet included in the two sports you asked but it will happen soon. If you call the Odds-endpoint you can see whats available for now.

Bet offers will increase sport by sport.

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