
Por bryanhun | Actualizada 2ヶ月前 | Media

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Category Parameter

Rapid account: Mobolith

Category Parameter not working - only …/all.json is returning any results.

Rapid account: Bryanhun
bryanhun Commented 10年前

Thanks for letting me know numentis. The categories were just added, but should be back working now. Let me know if you encounter any more issues. I would also love to hear how you are using the API. =)

Rapid account: Mobolith
mobolith Commented 10年前

Bryan - page advances with explicit category doesn’t seem to work, only works with the all category.

Rapid account: Mobolith
mobolith Commented 10年前

Thanks for the quick turn around. Developing a simple app for the BB10 using this API. I’m a bit of a news junkie. Another suggestion with the categories is to be to combine multiple categories (i.e. business+us+sports.json).

Rapid account: Mobolith
mobolith Commented 10年前

Another error has just cropped up. Invalid JSON Object: “<h1>Access denied</h1>”

Rapid account: Mobolith
mobolith Commented 10年前

The error I get is An error occurred while making the HTTP when entering page higher than 1 and any category other than all request.

Rapid account: Bryanhun
bryanhun Commented 10年前

I like the idea of combining categories… thanks. It will be added asap. I am not seeing any issues w/ categories on my end. What response are you getting?

Rapid account: Bryanhun
bryanhun Commented 10年前

Yes, you should not be getting that error. It should return a 301 “Empty resultset.”. I increased the number of results for the categories, so you should get more articles.

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