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Por cavsn | Actualizada 2달 전 | Social

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{'response': {'errors': [{'code': 476, 'message': 'Sender is not verified to send message requests'}]}}

Rapid account: Begula
한 달 전

most of time i get errors like these:

cannot send dms to accounts that arent following me


Sender is not verified to send message requests

why are these errors randomly popping up? i am only sending dms to members who have can_dm enabled

Rapid account: Cavsn
cavsn Commented 한 달 전

Looks like an unidentified problem

Rapid account: Begula
begula Commented 한 달 전

{‘message’: ‘Check your request.’} what does this mean? rate-limit? issue with proxy?

Rapid account: Cavsn
cavsn Commented 한 달 전

Yes, twitter rules. There’s nothing we can do against it. You can’t do it manually either.

Rapid account: Begula
begula Commented 한 달 전

but im only sending to people who have it enabled

Rapid account: Cavsn
cavsn Commented 한 달 전

This is a twitter-related situation. Twitter does not allow you to send DMs to people who have turned off the option to receive DMs.

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