Por Roshan | Actualizada hace un mes | Data
Health Check




CSV2API is the simplest backend you can integrate with your application, so easy that, now you can save the time and money needed by a backend developer.

Accepted Parameters:

url: The URL pointing to the raw CSV file (shareable link of CSV file is not accepted). REQUIRED
query: pass your query here and get specific data. OPTIONAL
Keep in mind:

  • query parameters are case sensitive
  • String should be of the form ‘string’ and string is not considered as a string.
  • Supports boolean and need not be under a string, 'True' is wrong, True is correct. Booleans are case sensitive, False is a bool, false is a string.
    -Pass multiple queries by separating a query by and eg: &query=name=='Aditya' and male=True.
Seguidores: 2
Creador de la API:
Rapid account: Roshan
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Valoración: 5 - Votos: 1