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How to fetch all events in a specific organisation

Rapid account: Romanfanatics
5 months ago

Hye, i would like to take the unlimited subscription, but i wander if it possible to fetch all events from a specific organisation or at least all the events in a a year with fetching the id of the events to find fights by events. And if it’s possible how to do it. Thank you.

Rapid account: Romanfanatics
romanfanatics Commented 5 months ago

Hello, i come back to you to see if you had time to check if it was possible to fetch many events in a organization (unique tournament in your api), or at least how to know the list of ids located here : /api/mma/unique-tournament/{unique_tournament_id}/tournament/{ids}, if it possible, i will take the “Mega” subscription.
Thank you

Rapid account: Romanfanatics
romanfanatics Commented 5 months ago

all right, thank you

Rapid account: Fluis Lacasse
fluis.lacasse Commented 5 months ago

Now I understand what you are asking for. In fact right now we don’t have any endpoint to achieve that. We will check if this feature can be implemented by us or if we need to wait the provider to implement this endpoint.


Rapid account: Romanfanatics
romanfanatics Commented 5 months ago

hello, the problem is that this endpoint provide all fight for an event. Because there is a misunderstanding in the api: “unique-tournament” is in fact a mma organisation, tournament = an mma event, and mma-events = mma fight. so instead of providing all events in a unique tournament, it provide all fights for an event. My request was about how can i have /api/mma/unique-tournament/{unique_tournament_id}/tournament/all; instead of /api/mma/unique-tournament/{unique_tournament_id}/tournament/{tournament_id}/mma-events/all.
Thank you for the answer

Rapid account: Fluis Lacasse
fluis.lacasse Commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the late answer.
I don’t know if this is what you asking for but we have this endpoint: TournamentAllEvents -> /api/mma/unique-tournament/{unique_tournament_id}/tournament/{tournament_id}/mma-events/all

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