NFL Team Stats

Por fortypercenttitanium | Actualizada एक महीने पहले | Sports

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New version!

Rapid account: Fortypercenttitanium
एक वर्ष पहले

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that I’ve released version 3 of the NFL team stats API.

This version is different in a few significant ways, so I am not deprecating version 2.

The key differences are as follows:

  • Way more stats available (now around 500)
  • Stats are separated into sensible sub-categories
  • Historical data available going back to 1922
  • No more rankings
    • I did away with the rankings in this version because with the amount of stats, the processing power to do all of these stats would be too great for my hosting to handle. Once again, the previous version is still available and still has these rankings.

Please let me know if I can make it better in any way, or if you notice any issues. Thanks for using my API!

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