Premier League Live Scores

Por Simone | Actualizada 9日前 | Sports

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Historical data

Rapid account: Pratap 1
Hi EPL fans,
I am looking to submit a ML project for a Data Science bootcamp. Currently, my business problem is to predict the EPL winner for the 2021-22 season. How can I get the API for the historical data from 1992-93 to 2020-21 seasons.

Also, any suggestions as to changing the business problem and the features I should be looking at will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Rapid account: Pratap 1
pratap1 Commented 2年前

Thanks for the response. I am looking to convert the client.html file to a dataframe through python but no luck so far. Could you please help me out with the code. Thank you.

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 2年前

Hi, this API could provide you alla the data you need to create an engine to predict matches results and others, that is historical results, missing players for a match weather data, refeere, module with a team play, coaches…
There is either an API that try to predict matches result, at this moment, only for the upcoming matches.
Have fun!

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