HeyWatch Video Encoding

Por heywatch | Actualizada 24 days ago | Entertainment

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HeyWatch’s video encoding API allows you to easily integrate our video encoding service in your application.

First, you need to create an Account on HeyWatch. You have a sandbox environment to test everything before going for a paid account.

For more information, you can read the full API documentation, the Dev Center


require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "HeyWatchVideoEncoding.rb")

# Install the Mashape gem: gem install mashape

# Basic instantiation. TODO Put your authentication keys here.
client = HeyWatchVideoEncoding.new("MASHAPE_KEY", "API_USERNAME", "API_PASSWORD")

# get all your videos
res = client.getAllVideos
p res.body

    "created_at": "2011-06-15T12:05:25+02:00",
    "title": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
    "specs": {
      "audio": {
        "sample_rate": 24000,
        "synched": true,
        "stream": 0.1,
        "codec": "aac",
        "bitrate": 0,
        "channels": 2
      "size": 318,
      "thumb": "http://raw-2.heywatch.com/5978aa591569a2e5e47805c8c008b1a2/CGI.29806.0.jpg",
      "mime_type": "video/mp4",
      "video": {
        "stream": 0.0,
        "codec": "mpeg4",
        "container": "mov",
        "aspect": 1.33,
        "bitrate": 501,
        "height": 240,
        "length": 5,
        "fps": 0.0,
        "width": 320
    "updated_at": "2011-06-15T12:05:25+02:00",
    "id": 9662090

# get information about a specific video
res = client.getVideo(9662090)
p res.body

Create a download

res = client.transferVideo("http://site.com/yourvideo.mp4", "yourtitle")
p res.body

  "created_at": "2011-06-15T19:00:11+02:00",
  "error_msg": null,
  "title": "yourtitle",
  "video_id": 0,
  "updated_at": "2011-06-15T19:00:11+02:00",
  "url": "http://site.com/yourvideo.mp4",
  "progress": {
    "current_length": 0,
    "speed": 0,
    "percent": 0,
    "time_left": "??"
  "id": 4950011,
  "error_code": null,
  "length": 0,
  "status": "pending"

Create a job

res = client.createJob(9662090, 31, "http://yoursite.com/ping/heywatch?postid=123434", nil, s3directive="s3://accesskey:secretkey@myvideobucket/flv/123434.flv")

  "ping_url": "http://yoursite.com/ping/heywatch?postid=123434",
  "cf_directive": null,
  "error_msg": null,
  "created_at": "2011-06-15T12:13:13+02:00",
  "video_id": 9662090,
  "updated_at": "2011-06-15T12:13:13+02:00",
  "progress": 0,
  "s3_directive": "s3://accesskey:secretkey@myvideobucket/flv/123434.flv",
  "format_id": 31,
  "id": 4944088,
  "error_code": null,
  "ftp_directive": null,
  "encoded_video_id": 0,
  "encoding_options": {
    "keep_video_size": true
  "status": "pending",
  "http_upload_directive": null

Generating thumbnails

# Will return the binary data directly
res = client.generateEncodedVideoThumbnailSync(9662142, 2, 320, 180)
File.open("thumb.jpg", "w") {|f| f.write(res.raw_body) }

Command-line CLI

You need to install the heywatch ruby gem:

sudo gem install heywatch

Usage: heywatch RESOURCE:METHOD [ID] [parameter1=value1 parameter2=value2 ...]


    account       # manage account       | create, update
    video         # manage video         | all, info, delete, count, bin
    encoded_video # manage encoded video | all, info, delete, count, bin, jpg
    download      # manage download      | all, info, delete, count, create
    job           # manage job           | all, info, delete, count, create
    format        # manage format        | all, info, delete, count, create, update
    upload        # upload a video


    heywatch account
    heywatch account:update env=sandbox
    heywatch video:info 123456
    heywatch job:all
    heywatch download:create url=http://site.com/video.mp4 title=mytitle
    heywatch encoded_video:jpg 9882322 start=4 > thumb.jpg
    heywatch format:all owner=true video_codec=h264
    heywatch video:all "[0]"
    heywatch job:all "[0..10]"
    heywatch format:count owner=true
    heywatch upload path/to/video.mp4 "title=my title"

Released under the MIT license.

Seguidores: 42
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Valoración: 5 - Votos: 1