Airbnb listings

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Not working for some properties

Rapid account: Andrisole 92
9 महीने पहले

Not returning any data for this prop: 933058315021805161

Rapid account: Ivan G 49 Yddck 0
ivan-g49Yddck0 Commented 9 महीने पहले

Hi @andrisole92,
you are calling the listingAvailabilityFull endpoint. This is the expected results for properties that are not yet on our systems.
If you want an existing property that is not yet on our systems to be added you can call the ‘/v2/listing’ . The property will be fetched and usually data will be available after few minutes.
I was sure it was written in the documentation but I actually couldn’t find it. I added it now. Thanks for the tip. If you have any other questions please ask.
Thank you.

Rapid account: Andrisole 92
andrisole92 Commented 9 महीने पहले

error:“No results.”

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