
Por inUtil Labs | Actualizada vor 2 Monaten | Tools

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API Description: Counters, by inUtil Labs

The Counters API is a robust tool designed for the creation and management of counters. Counters are accessible through a RESTful API, and you can create as many counters as needed. This API offers a range of basic operations to interact with these counters, enabling you to increment, reset, retrieve values, list all counters and their values, and clear all counters.

It’s a versatile utility for various applications that require counting and tracking.


Create Counter
    Endpoint: GET /add/{counter_id}
    Description: Create a new counter with a unique identifier. Each counter starts at zero by default.

Increment Counter
    Endpoint: GET /inc/{counter_id}
    Description: Each counter starts at zero by default, each request to this endpoint increments 1 the counter_id.

Get Counter
    Endpoint: GET /get/{counter_id}
    Description: Retrieve the current value of a specific counter identified by {counter_id}.

Clear Counter
    Endpoint: GET /reset/{counter_id}
    Description: Clear a specific counter identified by {counter_id, resetting its value to zero.

List All Counters and Their Values
    Endpoint: GET /getall
    Description: Get a list of all counters and their current values, providing an overview of the entire counter collection.

Clear All Counters
    Endpoint: GET /delall
    Description: Delete all counters, effectively clearing the entire collection of counters. This action is irreversible and removes all stored data.

Counters API, by inUtil Labs, is a versatile tool for various applications, from tracking user interactions, monitoring resource usage, to recording event occurrences. With its simple yet powerful endpoints, it provides efficient control over counting and tracking operations.

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