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Is it gpt 4?

Rapid account: Inteurs P G 8 O Vzy E Oi
לפני שנה

Is it really gpt 4? It declines long prompts (>4500 tokens). If yes, can you enable long prompts/answers for an extra price?

Rapid account: Wm 1927 Mw
wm1927mw Commented לפני שנה

I need more tokens, it used to work, now it stopped, and I also renewed my subscription. I am ready to pay))

Rapid account: Liuzhaolong 765481
liuzhaolong765481 Commented לפני שנה

Yes, what I can confirm is that mine is GPT4. The reason for limiting tokens is because OpenAI is too expensive. But if you can accept high pricing. I can provide you with an unlimited token endpoint and give you a private plan

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