UK Supermarkets Product Pricing

Por Pear Data | Actualizada 2 месяца назад | Commerce

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Product Information

Rapid account: Ben Jamin Griff
год назад

Do you only plan on offering product pricing through your API? It would be great to also get product information and be able to get urls to the products on each site.

Rapid account: Chiefwraith
chiefwraith Commented 5 месяцев назад

@ben did you manage to find any alternative wich can provide realtime product pricing

Rapid account: Localpearuk
localpearuk Commented год назад

Hi Ben. Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we currently do not have access or ownership to a product information database. However, there are several databases available online that provide product information, which might be worth exploring. I apologise for not being able to provide more assistance.

Pear Data Team

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