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How to use the Components API

The Component API requires three parameters: language, name and version. You will also need an authorization token, obtained with a subscription to Meterian, that will provide the final authorization to the cloud servers.

The language parameter specifies the language of the component you are looking for.
It must be one of the following: java, nodejs, python, dotnet, ruby, php, swift, golang, rust, erlang, perl, cpp, r

The name parameter specifies the name of the component you are looking for. In a given name all ‘/’ characters should be replaced with ‘|’ characters.
e.g If you want search for a component with the name @types/json5 you need to set the name parameter to @types|json5 .

The version parameter can be used to ensure the component sheet which is returned contains information on the corresponding version of a component. You may use it to specify a particular version, or set it to either 0 or undefined to get information on all the available versions of said component.

You will need to specify an additional “Authorization” header that will provide the final authorization to the cloud servers, using the token provided to you by Meterian. The header will be in the form:
"Authorization: token 0000ffff-ffff-0000-ffff-0000ffffffff"


Here follows an example call of the components API done through CURL and an example response

$ curl --request GET \
	--url \
	--header 'X-RapidAPI-Host:' \
	--header 'X-RapidAPI-Key: your_api_key'
	--header "Authorization: token your_meterian_authorization_token"
  "library": {
    "language": "nodejs",
    "name": "shelljs",
    "rootLanguage": "nodejs"
  "version": "0.6.0",
  "latestVersion": "0.8.5",
  "registryUrl": "",
  "registryWebUrl": "",
  "scmUrl": "",
  "licenses": [
      "id": "BSD-3-Clause",
      "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License",
      "wildcard": false,
      "uri": "",
      "proprietary": false,
      "valid": true
  "registryName": "NPM",
  "stability": {
    "latestPatch": "0.6.1",
    "latestMinor": "0.8.5",
    "latestMajor": null
  "safeVersions": {
    "latestPatch": null,
    "latestMinor": "0.8.5",
    "latestMajor": null
  "copyright": {
    "source": "",
    "text": "Copyright 2004-2022 The Apache Software Foundation"
  "vulnerabilities": [
      "id": "860453d2-cb75-3360-b40d-6ed158503fc6",
      "library": {
        "language": "nodejs",
        "name": "shelljs",
        "rootLanguage": "nodejs"
      "versionRange": "[,0.8.5)",
      "description": "shelljs is vulnerable to Improper Privilege Management",
      "severity": "HIGH",
      "links": [
          "type": "CVE",
          "url": "CVE-2022-0144",
          "cve": "CVE-2022-0144"
          "type": "NVD",
          "url": "CVE-2022-0144",
          "cve": "CVE-2022-0144"
          "type": "ANNOUNCE",
          "url": "",
          "cve": null
          "type": "FIX",
          "url": "",
          "cve": null
      "source": "NVD",
      "type": "SECURITY",
      "cwe": "CWE-269",
      "cvss": 7.1,
      "active": true,
      "cve": "CVE-2022-0144",
      "epss": 0.25954,
      "fixedInVersions": [
 "versions": [

The API supports a numerous range of languages, should you wish to quickly try them out you can refer to the table below with example values to substitute in the CURL call above

Language Package Name Version
java org.springframework:spring-beans 5.3.13
nodejs shelljs 0.6.0
python pillow 9.1.0
dotnet log4net 2.0.3
ruby rest-client 1.6.7
php twig/twig (please use twig|twig) 2.5.0
swift nanopb 0.3.8
golang (please use|yaml.v2) v2.2.7
rust hyper 0.10.16
erlang ecto 2.1.3
perl Mojolicious 4.87
cpp zlib 1.2.11
r commonmark 1.7

Schema information

Overall schema

Field Name Description
library the library requested
version the version requested
latestVersion the latest version available on the registry
registryName the formal name of the registry
registryUrl the url of the registry containing the definition
registryWebUrl the human readable web url of the entry in the registry
scmUrl the source code management url
licenses licenses detected
copyright copyright text and source
stability the next avaiable version in semver
safeVersions the next avaiable and safe version in semver (not vulnerable)
vulnerabilities a list of the vulnerabilities affecting this version of the library
versions a list of all versions available on the registry

Vulnerability schema

Field Name Description
id Mterian id of the vulnerabilty
library the library affected
versionRange the range of versions affected
description a short description of the vulnerability
severity the severity of the vulnerability (NONE,SUGGEST,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL
links a list of links describing the vulnerability
cwe the main CWE associated to this vulnerability
cvss the CVSS score associated to this vulnerability (3.x)
epss the EPSS probability associate to this vulnerability
fixedInVersions an array of safe versions from this specific vulnerability

Usage restrictions

  • the minimum time required by this call is 1 second, so there’s a maximum of 60 calls per seconds available
  • this API cannot be called concurrently