LinkedIn data scraper

Por EZ | Actualizada il y a 2 jours | Data

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Mismatch between profiles found and results count?

Rapid account: Berserkviper 92
il y a 2 mois

Great service, but in the people search endpoint, it says 11 results found but only displays 3 profiles? How come this is the case?

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented il y a 2 mois

There were total 11 results found for your query, If you pass page : 1, you will get first 10 results. If you pass page : 1, you will remaining 1 ( out of total 11 ). In your API call, you have sent page : 2 and hence got 1 results ( 11th result )

Does that make sense!

Rapid account: Berserkviper 92
berserkviper92 Commented il y a 2 mois

Are you sure? I’ve seen linkedin member in the results before: screenshot
It feels like there is an additional layer of filtering potentially?

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented il y a 2 mois

Yeah you are right. This is because linkedin keeps those profiles hidden which are out of your network. Do some searches in search engine and you will find term “Linkedin member” written on a profile result. Those profiles are out of your network and you cannot see them.

Anyhow to get those results, you can use sales navigator search leads endpoint. Sales navigator allows 100 request in 12 hours each request returning 25 people

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