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regarding rate limit

If I use person data(deep) and person post at the same time ,will it stop at any time or not . also if I give 2 api calls for person data(deep) will it work parallel or not .
BTW I am a paid user.

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented 6일 전

1 req/sec is not like second 1 request each second. It means taht you cannot send another request to the server unless you recieve response from your first API call. Most endpoints take ~2s to respoond

Rapid account: Messidimo
messidimo Commented 6일 전

this is happening with me as well. Documantation says 1req/sec but still getting 429 sometimes even when at half rate 0.5req/sec. single threaded.


Rapid account: Kaushal Eh D Fq N Ak
kaushal-EhDFqN-ak Commented 8일 전

I didn’t get it . what is the rate limit??

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented 8일 전

It will return 429 to one of the concurrent endpoint called

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