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Rapid account: Arturhonores
vor einem Jahr

Is there a way to display more than 8 movies per view? On the other hand, is there a previousCursor parameter? I can’t go back to the previous view, I can only create a button for the nextCursor parameter

Please help!

Rapid account: Arturhonores
arturhonores Commented vor einem Jahr

Thank you very much for answering, it is indeed possible to generate a list of cursors; however it is somewhat complicated. It would be great to enable the previous cursor in the future

Rapid account: Cevatbarisyilmaz
cevatbarisyilmaz Commented vor einem Jahr

Hi, higher search APIs provide more items per request.

Search Basic returns 8 items per request.
Search Pro returns 10 and Search Ultra returns 25.

There’s no previousCursor support at the moment.

If you are looking to display more results in your application, you can send multiple requests and merge the results of them.
Previous cursor can also be implemented on your side. You can hold a list of cursors in a list and keep track of previous cursors.

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