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Por mrngstar | Actualizada 10 days ago | Social

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changing attributes types breaks the expected API behaviour

Rapid account: Arfaouibechir
4 months ago

you changed the type of the PK attributes many times back and forth between Int and String, why?
you need to keep the types stable when you deploy updates.
this is breaking my app everytime you do it and I have to submit an app update to Apple.
please use unit test on your end to prevent deployements breaking the original API output.

to fix this now: please roll back the PK to Int and keep it that way in story endpoint /download_story/username

check screenshot

Rapid account: Mrngstar
mrngstar Commented 4 months ago

Hi Bechir,

Thanks for reaching out.
This is final change of converting pk attribute from int to string for Download story by username endpoint.

We have made this type conversion because most of our users were facing interger overflow issue for pk attribute. Please make this final change on your side.

We sincerely apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Please contact us at or if you have any questions.

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