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Get User Post Endpoint is not working

Rapid account: Influglue
לפני 17 ימים


I need an urgent help. The following endpoint is returning blank page when I am executing it by php curl.

Affected Endpoint:

Whereas other endpoints are returning data perfectly. This has been running perfectly for so many days but suddenly it has stopped working from today. Please check urgently and let me know.

Rapid account: Influglue
influglue Commented לפני 14 ימים

Hello mrngstar,

Thanks for your great support. Yes, it seems the issue has been fixed as I am not getting any empty response now for quite a long time. I will let you know if I receive any. Hopefully this has been fixed by Rapid API.

Rapid account: Mrngstar
mrngstar Commented לפני 15 ימים

Hello influglue,

This issue appears to be on RapidAPI’s side. We have reported it to them.
Please check their response here
They will fix this within 1 hour.

Please let us know if you continue to receive empty responses.


Rapid account: Mrngstar
mrngstar Commented לפני 16 ימים

Hello influglue,

We tried to reproduce the issue but did not receive any blank responses. I checked your latest logs on the RapidAPI dashboard and found response data present in the logs.

Could you please note down the x-request-id from the response headers when you encounter a blank response? This will help us investigate the issue in detail and determine whether RapidAPI or our system is responsible.
Thank you for using our API. We will definitely help you out once we get more information from your side.


Rapid account: Influglue
influglue Commented לפני 16 ימים

The API is returning data sometimes…sometimes its returning blank array. Can you please check with my API key and find out what is the real reason behind it? It was running smoothly since our subscription. But for the last 1 day sometimes its running but sometimes its coming up with a blank null response. I am using PHP Curl to execute the endpoint. Yesterday after giving blank result for so many hours suddenly it started giving results. The code is untouched. Data came autoamtically after 2-3 hours. Then again it ran smoothly for 4-5 hours and then again the problem started.

What could be the reason here. I am well inside my quota limit. Please investigate. I was a happy customer for so many months.

Rapid account: Mrngstar
mrngstar Commented לפני 17 ימים

Hello influglue,

I have checked this endpoint several times and haven’t encountered any issues on our end. Also this endpoint is working as expected for other users.
Could you please double-check your code? Let us know if you need any assistance.


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