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Does the API give live data or from a scrapped content?

Rapid account: Islasrk 0718
2 months ago

Wanted to know if the API makes use of offical zillow API or serves a pre-scrapped content, since we observed for few queries data is present in zillow but is empty from the API.

Rapid account: Ntd 119
ntd119 Commented 2 months ago


We just updated the plan with hard limit plan, in case you don’t find a suitable plan let us know. We will create it to help you.


Rapid account: Otisstevens
otisstevens Commented 2 months ago

can you provide a had limit plan so I dont need to worry about overages?

Rapid account: Islasrk 0718
islasrk0718 Commented 2 months ago

Got it, sounds awesome. Thank you!

Rapid account: Ntd 119
ntd119 Commented 2 months ago


It is real-time data at the time you call the API.
When you call the API, we perform scraping at that moment.


Rapid account: Islasrk 0718
islasrk0718 Commented 2 months ago

@ntd911 thank you for the fix. Had one other clarification. Is the API updated frequently with real-time data or is it just a one-time scrapped content?

Rapid account: Ntd 119
ntd119 Commented 2 months ago


Thank you for your contribution.
That was our mistake, and we have just fixed it.
If any errors occur, please let us know.


Rapid account: Islasrk 0718
islasrk0718 Commented 2 months ago

Hi ntd119, thanks for the response.
We search for apartments in “Atlanta, GA”, with status = forRent. The API returned empty data, while the zillow website has few apartments listed for rent in the region, hence the confusion.

Rapid account: Ntd 119
ntd119 Commented 2 months ago


This is an unofficial API for Zillow,
we get data through website scraping.
In case the data is empty, please provide additional information, and we will check it again.


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