Linkedin API

Por RockApis | Actualizada 3 days ago | Data

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Error request for api "Search Employees"

Rapid account: Dangnh P NYMC 7 Sy K
एक महीने पहले

I have subscribed to the Mega package, which according to the [Rate Limit] description allows for 50 requests per minute. However, after about 20 minutes, I continuously encountered the error ‘The request failed. You will not be charged for this request.’ Each time the error occurred, I stopped making requests for at least 30 seconds, and what is concerning is that the number of requests was still deducted.!

language: python


“date”: “2024-05-03 17:00:46”,
“message”: “BreakPull Error Message: The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”,
“lastData”: {
“idCompany”: “90487214”,
“message_err”: “The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”
“date”: “2024-05-03 17:01:32”,
“message”: “BreakPull Error Message: The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”,
“lastData”: {
“idCompany”: “101622659”,
“message_err”: “The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”
“date”: “2024-05-03 17:02:16”,
“message”: “BreakPull Error Message: The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”,
“lastData”: {
“idCompany”: “98782725”,
“message_err”: “The request failed. You will not be charged for this request”

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented एक महीने पहले

Hello. From time to time requests are blocked by LinkedIn. When it happens, you get this error message. It is not related to the rate limit.
We are working on this endpoint to improve the feature. We will implement a queue approach to avoid this error.

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