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Rate Limit Exceeded

Rapid account: Scottu
2 months ago

Please be aware that there are hourly and daily rate limits in place on the service beyond those of RapidAPI. It’s free for now, so limits are needed. I raised the limits as someone has hit it and seems not to notice the 429 being returned. Thank You!

Rapid account: Scottu
scottu Commented 2 months ago

Hi Jamie, Yes, let me work on that. For now the limit has temporarily increased, so you should be okay. Thanks!

Rapid account: Mahoneyjamie 39132
mahoneyjamie39132 Commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thanks for good API Tracking solutions.
Is it possible to increase the number of requests for an additional charge? As an option to create an additional options in the subscription?
for example - 50k per day and keep 1k per hour ? I like it but would like increase volumes.

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