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Authentication not configured properly

Rapid account: Mashaper

Should be set up from the Authentication settings

Rapid account: Storysense
storysense Commented 10年前

Hi mashaper,
Could you help us to know more about the “Authentication settings”? Not sure about what you mean and what we missed.
Thanks for the help!

Rapid account: Storysense
storysense Commented 10年前

Hi Mashaper and Chris,
Thanks for the help and would check these ref out. Thanks!

Rapid account: Ismaelc
ismaelc Commented 10年前

Awesome, once you’ve sorted it out you can “Close” this Issue. Thanks 😃

Rapid account: Ismaelc
ismaelc Commented 10年前

Hi storysense, Chris here from Mashape. Check out minute 2:00 of this video https://vimeo.com/56637704 I placed the credentials in the Authentication section. I also emulated this common misconfiguration in the video and attempted to fix it, see 5:06

Rapid account: Mashaper
mashaper Commented 10年前

under “admin” there is “Authentication Settings” --> https://www.mashape.com/docs/describe/easy

Rapid account: Mashaper
mashaper Commented 10年前

you have set up the api key in the doc when it should be a separate tab called Authentication: https://www.mashape.com/stocktwits/stocktwits#authentication

Rapid account: Storysense
storysense Commented 10年前

Oh yeah, we now remove the authentication. Thanks for your help, really appreciate!

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