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NBA team does not have team logo?

Rapid account: Superbluestar 0116
hace 6 meses

I am trying to implement NBA sports api in our project.
The api โ€œ/getNBATeamsโ€ to teams does not return team logo.
Should i use another api? or could you tell me what api should i use?

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented hace 3 meses

Hi Michael,

All of the major league sports teams trademark their logos. The APIs provide links to where people can find team logos online. We donโ€™t own them and definitely do not have any say as to what the apple store will let you upload.

I think you also e-mailed me on this, Iโ€™ll respond to you more there.

Rapid account: Michael U Lnhxf 1 X
michael-U-lnhxf1X Commented hace 3 meses

Iโ€™m getting an error for the apple store upload. Are we able to upload images of trademark? this is what Iโ€™m getting. Do you have documentation of somekind?

Rapid account: Superbluestar 0116
superbluestar0116 Commented hace 6 meses

Thank you very much.

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented hace 6 meses

Hi Naoyuki, the /getNBATeams has team logos. Most teams have 2 logos and some teams have 3. I think the issue is that the example call on the page is outdated and was saved there before we added team logos. Iโ€™ll update the example today. In the mean time you can make the call to the endpoint and get the data. Hope this helps!

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