Rapid account: DEVISTY

DEVISTY / dickyagustin

(Development Information System and Technology)


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Hello, we apologize for the inconvenience. Our API fetches news in real-time from Google News and does not store it in a database. Therefore, it is not possible to retrieve news based on past times as Google News does not support this feature. 水 3:56 28/2/24
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. It seems that your website is not using our API but instead utilizing another API. To use our API, please visit https://rapidapi.com/bfd-id/api/google-news13/ then check the endpoints and obtain the API key. 水 4:25 7/2/24
Hello, deleting logs from the dashboard is something we (API provider) cannot do; it is within the platform owner's (RapidAPI) authority. 水 11:09 24/1/24
Hello, for now, this API does not support keyboard-based search feature, you may need to use the [Google News API](https://rapidapi.com/bfd-id/api/google-news13) to perform that action. 水 11:12 6/9/23
Hello, here are some supported languages: "lang_ar": Arabic "lang_bg": Bulgarian "lang_ca": Catalan "lang_cs": Czech "lang_da": Danish "lang_de": German "lang_el": Greek "lang_en": English "lang_es": Spanish "lang_et": Estonian "lang_fi": Finnish "lang_fr": French "lang_hr": Croatian "lang_hu": Hungarian "lang_id": Indonesian "lang_is": Icelandic "lang_it": Italian "lang_iw": Hebrew "lang_ja": Japanese "lang_ko": Korean "lang_lt": Lithuanian "lang_lv": Latvian "lang_nl": Dutch "lang_no": Norwegian "lang_pl": Polish "lang_pt": Portuguese "lang_ro": Romanian "lang_ru": Russian "lang_sk": Slovak "lang_sl": Slovenian "lang_sr": Serbian "lang_sv": Swedish "lang_tr": Turkish "lang_zh-CN": Chinese (Simplified) "lang_zh-TW": Chinese (Traditional) And here is the list of supported countries: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/json_api_reference?hl=en 火 3:18 15/8/23
- Make sure you have added and imported the Axios module. - Ensure your API key is correct. - Use 'await' in the async function. - Use 'response.data.data.translatedText' to retrieve the translated text result. ## Usage/Examples ```javascript const axios = require('axios'); const selectedLanguage = "id" const initialSummary = "hi, what is your name?" const handleTranslation = async () => { const encodedParams = new URLSearchParams(); encodedParams.set("source_language", "en"); encodedParams.set("target_language", selectedLanguage); encodedParams.set("text", initialSummary); const options = { method: "POST", url: "https://text-translator2.p.rapidapi.com/translate", headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "X-RapidAPI-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "X-RapidAPI-Host": "text-translator2.p.rapidapi.com", }, data: encodedParams, }; console.log("Translating summary..."); console.log("Translation options:", options); console.log(initialSummary) console.log(selectedLanguage) try { const response = await axios.request(options); const translatedText = await response.data.data.translatedText; console.log(translatedText) //setTranslatedSummary(translatedText); } catch (error) { console.error("Error translating summary:", error); console.log("Error response:", error.response); //setTranslatedSummary("Error occurred while translating the summary."); } }; handleTranslation() ``` 土 1:57 29/7/23