Rapid account: Fayder Florez

Fayder Florez / fayder

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Actually, currently the capital of South Africa is set to Pretoria. Where do you see that is Cape Town? Tue 5:46 20/9/16
Actually, currently the capital of South Africa is set to Pretoria. Where do you see that is Cape Town? Tue 5:46 20/9/16
Hello there. First of all, you can access the REST Countries API directly, without mashape. And you also can use Python Requests library http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ This way you wouldn't need any headers. So, for example, a simple GET request would look like this: <pre><code> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests r = requests.get('https://restcountries.eu/rest/v1/name/colombia') print(r.text.encode('utf-8')) </code></pre> You can see all the available endpoints at: https://restcountries.eu I hope this is useful Wed 5:51 11/5/16
Hello guys. I'm sorry I never answered this question. I probably tried to figure out the issue but I couldn't. This response that you post there is not the response you get from the API. I don't know what Ruby on Rails is doing to it. Sorry for not being helpful on this one :( Fayder Wed 6:44 4/5/16
Hello. I do not have an answer for you. I tried myself, using unirest as instructed in the Mashape documentation (You might need a different value for "XMashape-Key") <pre><code> HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get("https://restcountries-v1.p.mashape.com/all") .header("X-Mashape-Key", "78mZ1stwA2msh8ifjBMAo1ltPsjyp1HQk8JjsnUG6XNABnfdO8") .header("Accept", "application/json") .asJson(); </code></pre> This worked as expected. Check if you have any firewall blocking requests made from Java. I'm sorry if I can't be that helpful Fayder Fri 7:08 11/12/15
Hi. "The Gini coefficient (also known as the Gini index or Gini ratio) (/d?ini/ jee-nee) is a measure intended to represent the income distribution of a nation's residents, and is the most commonly used measure of inequality." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient The lower the number, the less income inequality. I hope that answers your question. Fri 3:25 20/3/15