Amazon Pricing and Product Info

Por vitototti | Actualizada 20 दिन पहले | eCommerce

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You can request product info using their ASIN and marketplace domain.

querystring = {

Supported domains: com,co-uk,de,fr,co-jp,ca,it,es,in,com-mx

Sample response:

    "requestSuccessful": true,
    "requestInfo": {
        "domain": "de",
        "asin": "B08F82X1VL"
    "responseErrors": null,
    "responseData": {
        "asin": "B08F82X1VL",
        "soldByAmazonPrice": -0.01,
        "buyBoxPrice": 17.9,
        "buyBoxSellerId": "A26X45N8R4FATA",
        "buyBoxIsFba": true,
        "buyBoxIsAmazon": false,
        "buyBoxIsPrime": true,
        "buyBoxLocalAvailabilityMessage": "Auf Lager.",
        "buyBoxMinOrderQuantity": 1,
        "buyBoxMaxOrderQuantity": 0,
        "priceCoupon": null,
        "title": "Wheeloo Kontaktschutz 3er Set für Bosch Intuvia + Nyon (bis 2020) | E-Bike Pin Abdeckung komplettes Zubehör Set zum Schutz der Kontakte an Akku, Display und Bedieneinheit",
        "availabilityAmazon": "no sold by amazon offer",
        "allEanList": [
        "hasReviews": true

requestSuccessful (bool): True for a successful request. False if any errors

requestInfo (dict): your request parameters
domain (string): domain from your request
asin (string): ASIN from your request

responseErrors (string): errors, if any. Otherwise None

responseData (dict): product data, if call successful
asin (string): product ASIN
soldByAmazonPrice (float): price for sold by amazon offer. if no sold by amazon offer available, then -0.01
buyBoxPrice (float): current price in buy box
buyBoxSellerId (string): id of the seller from the buy box
buyBoxIsFba (bool): True if offer in the buy box is FBA otherwise False
buyBoxIsAmazon (bool): True if offer in the buy box is sold by amazon otherwise False
buyBoxIsPrime (bool): True if offer in the buy box is prime eligible
buyBoxLocalAvailabilityMessage (string): availability message in local languange
buyBoxMinOrderQuantity (int): some products have minimum order quantity. Returns -1, if unavailable
buyBoxMaxOrderQuantity (int): max order quantity from buy box. Returns 999, if no limit and -1, if unavailable
priceCoupon (dict): info on current product promotions. If no product promotion, then None
title (string): Product title
availabilityAmazon (string): availability for sold by amazon offer
allEanList (list): list of all EANs associated with the product
hasReviews (bool): True if product has reviews, False if product has no reviews


This API is not affiliated or endorsed by Amazon in any way. This API provides data from public domain sources. All trademarks and copyright are the property of their respective owners. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.

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Rapid account: Vitototti
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